Downloadable Sheet Music


To search for sheet music on this page, press ctrl+F on your keyboard. This will bring up a search box at the top or bottom of your browser (depending on the browser you are using). You can then type in the title of the Sheet music you are searching for or any search term. It will bring up the first instance on the page. If it is not what you are looking for then click the up or down arrow on the search bar to bring up the next or previous occurrence of your search term.

The sheet music purchase is for 3 printed copies of each song that you purchased. CCLI and other licensing companies do not cover a license for music purchased from Church Choir Music. All license agreements and permission to copy must come directly from Church Choir Music.

If you are purchasing this for a church and want to make copies for the choir, you MUST pay for a license to copy. This fee is .65 per copy after purchasing one copy at the original price. You will receive a mechanical printing license for you to have on record. If you plan to make copies, please contact us by email at or you may call us at 931-287-3426 or 931-287-1526. Thanks again for your purchase.
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