
All Four Donna Kerns Piano Projects

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $40.00.


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SKU: allpianoproductsphysical Category:


This package includes all 4 Piano projects at price of $40.00 for all 4 cds.

Includes Piano Praise, Peaceful Praise, Powerful Praise, and Prayerful Praise.

Song list can be found under each project below.

Piano Praise
Songs Include:

  1. Pass me Not
  2. It is no Secret
  3. Beyond the Sunset
  4. I'll Fly Away
  5. Cross Medley
  6. Getting Ready
  7. Amazing Grace
  8. The Eyes of Jesus
  9. What a Friend We have in Jesus
  10. Patriotic Medley
  11. He Set Me Free

Prayerful Praise
Songs Include:

  1. Sweet Hour of Prayer
  2. No, Not One
  3. I Must Tell Jesus
  4. Near The Cross
  5. Tell Me The Story of Jesus
  6. There is a Fountain
  7. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
  8. Come Thou Fount
  9. Spirit of the Living God
  10. Follow Me
  11. I Surrender All
  12. Child of the King
  13. I Am Thine, O Lord
  14. Have Thine Own Way
  15. Holy, Holy, Holy

Powerful Praise
Songs Include:

  1. I Bowed On My Knees
  2. Blessed Assurance
  3. How Great Thou Art
  4. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
  5. The Old Rugged Cross
  6. And Can It Be
  7. I'd Rather Have Jesus
  8. O Glorious Love
  9. My Saviour's Love
  10. It Is Well
  11. I Sing The Mighty Power of God
  12. Wonderful Grace of Jesus
  13. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
  14. Glad Reunion Day
  15. I'll Meet You in the Morning

Peaceful Praise
Songs Include:

  1. Tis' So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
  2. Jesus Loves Me
  3. No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus
  4. In The Garden
  5. He Whispers Sweet Peace To Me
  6. Does Jesus Care
  7. God Leads His Dear Children Along
  8. Ninety and Nine
  9. Rock of Ages
  10. Stand By Me
  11. Precious Lord, Take My Hand
  12. Farther Along
  13. Beyond the Sunset
  14. There'll Be Peace In the Valley
  15. Till The Storm Passes By

Additional information

Weight3 lbs